What is Bing Chat & Copilot | Generative Ai Browsing Tool

Bing Chat is an AI-powered feature available in Microsoft Edge. It has all the search and creative capabilities of Bing and more. You can access Bing Chat by signing into Microsoft Edge and selecting the Bing Chat icon in the browser toolbar.

Bing Chat uses the GPT-4 Technology. It has DALL-E integrated for image generation as well. Besides the artificial intelligence capabilities, it has access to the internet (Bing Search). Bing Chat is quite a powerful tool for research and interaction with live pages.

Bing Chat Modes

There are 3 modes you can use with Chat Bing, depending on what type of content and interaction you’re looking for.

1. Creative mode

This mode is designed to generate imaginative and innovative content. It’s great for when you want to brainstorm ideas, write a story, create a poem, or even come up with a joke. In this mode, I can also generate graphical artwork based on your prompts.

2. Balanced mode

This is the default mode and offers a mix of creativity and precision. It’s useful for general conversations and requests, where you might want both factual information and creative input. For example, if you’re asking for movie recommendations or discussing a topic casually.

3. Precise mode

As the name suggests, this mode focuses on providing precise and accurate information. It’s ideal for when you need specific details or have technical queries. For example, if you’re looking for a factual answer to a question or need help with programming.

Where can I access Bing Chat?

There are two ways to access Chat Bing Ai and Generative functions – both are via Edge Browser (by Microsoft):

1. CHAT in the Navigation bar

Among the standard features, the 2nd one is CHAT and that’s where you can access Bing Chat.

2. Chat Bing in the Sidebar – COPILOT

Go to the right top corner and click on the Chat Bing icon:

This Side Bar Chat Bing function is called COPILOT.

This function has a more interactive property, it can be used while browsing a page, or reading an online PDF file – it can summarize and answer questions by researching the page/document you’re currently on.

It also can be a great writing assistant if you’re in a Word Doc. It can help you generate content and correct your grammar.

What is Bing Chat used for?

Bing Chat can perform searches and provide answers in relation to the page you’re viewing. For example, it can suggest what wine to pair with a recipe, compare products, or provide key takeaways from a report.

Bing Chat can also help organize your tabs, import your passwords from another browser, and find where to stream a movie. In the future, you will be able to ask Bing Chat to send an email via Outlook.

Here’s a list of all the functions that you, as an entrepreneur or a small business owner can do FOR FREE using Chat Bing:

1Web SearchBing Chat can perform web searches to provide information on a wide range of topics.
2Content CreationBing Chat can generate imaginative and innovative content such as poems, stories, code, essays, songs, celebrity parodies, and more.
3Writing AssistanceBing Chat can help users with writing, rewriting, improving, or optimizing their content.
4Graphic Art CreationBing Chat can create graphical artwork based on a given prompt.
5Tab OrganizationIn Microsoft Edge, Bing Chat can help organize your tabs.
6Edge SettingsYou can add a command for Bing Chat to automatically complete for you. Such as “Turn on Dark mode”
7On Page AnalysisThe Bing Chat Sidebar allows you to interact with the page you’re visiting – ask for a summary, look up a specific piece of information, or ask other questions about the content on the page.
8Writing, Debugging and convert CodeBing Chat, just like GPT-4, has the ability to write code in various programming languages. It can also find bugs and report them to you. It also has the ability to translate from one language to another (CSS to JS for example).
9Upload Image for AnalysisChat Bing allows you to upload an image and ask questions related to whatever is in the image

1. Web Search

Search is about finding information online and processing the information to generate valuable insights. All of this can be done with Chat Bing.

Here are three specific functions that Chat Bing does for you while Web Searching:

  1. Locate information source – Chat Bing has citations so that you know where the information comes from
  2. Answer specific questions – Chat Bing answers your questions from most-cited and popular sources
  3. Compare different solutions – Chat Bing can compare different options you might be choosing from (whether shopping for products online, or choosing a travel destination)
  4. Summarize information – Chat Bing can hone in on a single page and extract a specific piece of content that interests you

Here’s some screenshots from Bing Search effectively performing Web Search for me:

Here we see it’s fetching data from the right sources.

bing chat nike air results

Then it lists prices in both stores.

It didn’t provide recommendations, neither did it fetch prices. But if you continue prompting it, it might do!

Remember, you can always ask additional questions (follow-up) and be more specific on what it is you want. For example, here’s my follow up here:

bing chat comparison

As you can see, it’s now comparing prices of the same model, and listing the e-comm product page as the source. It couldn’t get amazon reviews as it has no access! We can bypass this by looking into general online reviews of the model, as well as business reviews of both stores:

We can see that both have low scores, but Nike is a bit better.

2. Content Creation

The COPILOT sidebar function has a feature called ‘compose’:

bing chat copilot

With this feature you may produce:

  • paragraphs
  • email text
  • ideas
  • blog posts

You may use the tone you want it to write with. As well as the length of content

3. Writing Assistant

This is a standard feature for GPT-4 based tools such as Chat Bing. However, Chat Bing automatically anticipates a writing task. When you highlight a paragraph on a site:

You get the following message:

Hit ‘Send’ :

As you can see, it can explain the test, revise it for grammatical correctness, summarize it or expand on it.

4. Graphic Art Creation

Bing Chat uses GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 for language processing purposes. Bing Chat has access to the net (via Bing) and will conduct image search while processing the prompt for image generation.

You may learn more on how this function works here:

You can build art straight from the prompt on the go:

The diagrams look good, except the TYPE is blurry. This is one drawback of DALL-E technology. But it will be soon fixed.

Nonetheless, this ability to generate graphics based on web text, or any content for that matter is trully impressive!

5. Tab Organization

a. Create Tab Groups

If you have a bunch of tabs, you might simlpy ask it to group the ones that belong to the same category:

bing chat group tabs

Here’s how it looks when grouped:

b. Switch between Horizontal and Vertical Tabs

Need a different view, and your tabs sent to the side as part of the sidebar, that’s something COPILOT can do for you:

c. Create Tab Collections

The Collections Pane is a Section that is easily accessible and can host your files on the go. For this example, I have saved a few images generated by DALL-E that I liked:

Images are stored in the collection pane:

You can save any URL, and organize them into subfiles.

6. Edge Settings

Copilot has access to your settings and can execute commands.

Switch between dark and light mode

Theme settings can be changed with Copilot. Prime example:

bing chat dark mode

Open Specific Settings

For example, you can clear cache from your browser:

bing chat clear cache

Pretty nifty! No more wasting time in settings looking up for features. The CoPilot is going to bring to the front the exact settings you want to change, and in some cases, it will implement the changes for you!

It is safe to assume that this feature will only get better over time.

7. On Page Analysis with Copilot

Whether a regular page, or PDF online, the COPILOT feature in the sidebar can analyze the content and allows you to interact; asking questions and requesting summaries:

And this is the output it generated:

This is a 100% accurate, and it did very well summarize into 2 short paragraphs.

This is an insane time-saver!

8. Writing, Debugging and Convert Code

a. Write code in any program language

Let’s say you’re putting together a website of your own and you chose a theme in WordPress. Now, you realized that the header background was clashing with the rest of design. So you want a transparent background. Let Chat Bing deal with that for you:

bing chat for coding css

With this code and instructions where to place it you can go ahead and implement the change. If by any chance it didn’t work, you can come back to the chat Bing log, and provide it with the error you are seeing and ask for an alternative solution.

b. Debug code in the backend that is not working

Traditionally, this was a task exclusively for the most senior software developers. Today, anyone with access to GPT-4, or Bing Chat can paste in the code that is not working, and simply ask Chat Bing to find the bug and propose a fix for it.

Keep in mind that the character limit in the prompt box is 4000 characters.

c. Translate/Convert from one language into another

Python is very popular now because of Chat GPT and Bing Chat. For example, you may turn HTML into Python code. Generally speaking, it’s not a straight-forward translations, as these are different language sets. So there are multiple steps in between in order to translate successfully.

In short, convert HTML characters to a string. This can be achieved with the help of html. escape() method(for Python 3.4+), we can convert the ASCII string into HTML script by replacing ASCII characters with special characters by using html. escape() method.

You don’t need to know any of these intricate workings, just ask it to convert from HTML to Python and it will work!

9. Upload images for analysis

Simply upload any image and pose your questions:


And the output:


What was a mystery 1 minute ago – now is an easy plan – all i have to do is to shop online for the best price and wait for delivery!