What is Seamless.ai | Lead Generation Tool

Seamless.AI is a real-time search engine that helps B2B companies find accurate sales leads so they can get in front of the right prospects, close more deals, and grow revenue at scale.

What is Seamless.ai | Lead Generation Tool

They offer a sales software that finds verified cell phones, emails, and direct dials for anyone you need to sell to. You can get 50 free credits with no credit card down and discover why 500,000+ companies use Seamless.AI to grow their business.

Seamless.ai Use Cases for Small business owners and entrepreneurs

Here is a table of use cases for seamless.ai, along with how this tool can be used by entrepreneurs and small business owners, and some concrete examples of this use case:

Use CaseDescriptionExample
Lead GenerationSeamless.AI can help entrepreneurs and small business owners find and connect with their ideal customers by providing accurate and verified contact information, such as emails, phone numbers, and social media profiles.An entrepreneur who wants to sell their online course on digital marketing can use seamless.ai to find and reach out to potential customers who are interested in learning digital marketing skills. They can use the real-time search engine to find leads based on their industry, location, job title, company size, and other criteria. They can also use the Chrome extension to find contact information of prospects on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms.
Ai Sales AutomationSeamless.AI can help entrepreneurs and small business owners automate and streamline their sales process by integrating with their favorite CRM and sales engagement platforms, such as Salesforce, Hubspot, Outreach, Salesloft, and more. They can sync their leads, contacts, and accounts with their CRM and send personalized and automated emails, calls, and social media messages to their prospects.A small business owner who runs a catering service can use seamless.ai to automate their sales pipeline and follow up with their leads. The Ai applications for script writing streamline the process of communication, especially for cold calls. Understanding your audience and crafting various messages that resonate with your target audience expecations.
Market ResearchSeamless.AI can help entrepreneurs and small business owners conduct market research and gain insights into their target market, competitors, and industry trends. They can use the real-time search engine to find and analyze data on their potential customers, such as their pain points, needs, preferences, and feedback. They can also use the Chrome extension to find and monitor their competitors’ websites, social media accounts, and online reviews.An entrepreneur who wants to launch a new product in the fitness niche can use seamless.ai to conduct market research and validate their product idea. They can use the real-time search engine to find and survey their target audience and learn about their fitness goals, challenges, and expectations. They can also use the Chrome extension to find and study their competitors’ products, pricing, features, and customer reviews.

Learn how to identify your ideal customer:


You get some free credits to start your lead generation campaigns. However, you will be likely to need more credits, if you are serious about client acquisition using automated tools.

Seamless.ai credits

More FREE credit details:

Seamless.ai credits 1

How to use Seamless.ai for Lead Generation

1. Lead Generation from Seamless.ai databases

The lead generation tool features various filters applied to a search function:

  1. Filters:
  2. Saved Searches
  3. Additional Filters:
    • Use exact match: in this case, ‘founder’.
    • Civil Engineering, Construction
  4. Seniorities
  5. Departments
  6. Titles
  7. Industries: Two industries are selected, ‘Civil Engineering’ and ‘Construction’. This means that the search is being narrowed down to contacts or companies within these specific sectors, which would be particularly useful if the product or service being offered is relevant to these industries.
  8. Locations:
    • The filter is set to “US (All)”
  9. Employee Sizes:
    • The filter “2-10 employees” has been chosen
  10. Estimated Revenue:
    • The range “0-$100K” is selected, which suggests a focus on leads that are small businesses or are possibly in the early stages of development.
  11. Names:
    • There is a specific search for a contact named “John Smith”, indicating a targeted search for an individual or individuals with that name.
  12. Keywords:
    • The keyword “Healthcare” has been entered

Seamless.ai search contacts

More filters:

Seamless.ai contacts

Once done, the results are the following:

Seamless.ai contacts in

Simply go over to the ‘find’ button to get the lead info:

Seamless.ai find lead

Now you have the details and the lead is automatically saved to your list.

You may bulk implement this function for all the contacts visible in a single page to add all of them.

2. Use the Ai Lead Generation Writer

The Ai Lead Generation Writer helps you put together superb scripts for various lead generation and sales tasks:

Seamless.ai ai writer

This is a list of all the tasks the Writer can create scripts for:

  1. Cold Call Script
  2. Voicemail
  3. Sales Email
  4. LinkedIn Connection Request
  5. LinkedIn InMail Message
  6. Social Media Posts
  7. Text Message
  8. Follow-Up Email
  9. Upsell/Cross-Sell Email

Simply choose from the available options, and it goes on automatic to prepare the scripts:

Seamless.ai ai writer

Add company/about details to tailor the ai-generated script to your offering

To develop better scripts, we advise adding details descriptions of your company and sales agent profile, so you get the most out of this ai tool:

Seamless.ai about

Generated Cold Call Script Example

Good morning/afternoon [Prospect’s Name], My name is [Your Name] from [Your Company], and I hope this call finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to introduce our company and discuss how we can potentially help address some challenges you might be facing in your business.

At [Your Company], we specialize in [mention the key services/products your company offers]. Our mission is to provide [mention the key benefits that your company offers, such as cost savings, increased productivity, improved efficiency, etc.] to businesses like yours.

Many of our clients have found great value in partnering with us because our [mention unique selling points or key features that differentiate your company from competitors]. We have a dedicated and experienced team that thoroughly understands the [industry/niche], enabling us to offer tailored solutions to our clients. We take great pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction.

Our goal is to become a trusted partner and advisor, working closely with our clients to not only solve their immediate challenges but also help them achieve long-term success in their business. I’d love to learn more about your specific business challenges and explore how we might be able to assist you. Do you have a few minutes to discuss this? I understand you may be busy, so I promise to be respectful of your time.

If you’re open to it, I would like to ask a few questions to better understand your unique situation:

1. How is your current [related business process] working for you? Are there any pain points or areas of inefficiency that you’ve been struggling with?

2. What outcomes or improvements are you hoping to achieve in your business in the next [timeframe]?

3. Have you explored any solutions or worked with any other companies in the past to address these challenges? If so, what was your experience like? Based on your answers, I believe we can offer some valuable insights and potential solutions tailored to your specific needs. And if it seems like we’re not the right fit, I can still provide you with some valuable resources or recommendations that may help you find the right solution.

I understand that it might be more convenient for you to schedule a time to further discuss your business challenges, so let me offer that option as well. Would you prefer to continue this conversation in the coming days at a time that works best for you? Thank you for taking the time to listen, [Prospect’s Name]. I look forward to hearing from you soon and exploring the possibilities of working together. Have a great day! Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Company] [Your Contact Information]

3. Use the Chrome Extension to scrap Contact information from any site

Two examples are presented here:

3.1. Scraping directly from prospect website:

Click on the seamless.ai ribbon on the side, telling you there are 566 contacts identified.

Click on ‘find’ for the contacts you want to check.

Note, these found contacts go directly to your sales list in the contact manager, on your seamless.ai account.

3.2. Scraping lead info from linkedin

Linkedin is a powerful B2B generation tool where many companies go to connect and get infront of their prospects.

Seamless.ai helps you do that by getting the contacts and importing them into your lists.

Here’s how it works:

Go to Linkedin, and search for prospects, filter to your customer persona description.

Click Find and View Contact Details:

Seamless.ai linkedin

A side pop up appears showing all the information

Seamless.ai contact details

Here are a few lead points that seamless ai generated from this extension:

  • Contact Details header
  • Social media profiles: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook
  • Title: Founder
  • Company: ________
  • Tabs: Profile, Contacts, Company
  • Contact Info section
  • Location: New York, NY, United States
  • Email address (partially redacted)
  • Website URL (partially redacted)
  • Phone number
  • Company Details For Arches section
  • Description of company (partially redacted)
  • Industry: IT Services and IT Consulting
  • Address: 222, Broadway, NY, United States
  • Revenue: $101K-$1M
  • Employee count: 2-10 employees
  • Year founded: 2013
  • Keywords or tags: Campaign Management Software, Cloud Computing, Healthcare Relationship Marketing, +21
  • Experience section
  • LinkedIn profile button

The Contact is already in your sales list, just click ‘View [lead name] in My Contacts:

In case you run out of free credits – here’s the solution

From time to time, you’ll get busy acquiring contacts and filling out your lead lists. This inevitably leads to the overuse of free credits with Seamless Ai.

If this happens, you can always rely on Rocket Reach, which can generate leads for you very quickly, and you can do it for free!

Here’s how this works:

1. Sign up for Rocket Reach

Go to Rocket Reach and sign up:

1. Sign up for Rocket Reach

2. Look up companies, employees and contacts

Start by searching the companies you are specifically looking to get in touch with:

2. Look up companies, employees and contacts

Alternatively, you may search using customer persona information, in the custom fields here:

filter companies, employees and contacts

After filtering according to your customer persona definition, you can proceed acquiring contact information.

3. Get contact information

Once you’ve found your target lead, click on ‘Get contact info’:

And download the info:

3. Get contact information

The Free version doesn’t generate the phone number. However, you would get normally 2 emails (business and personal).

4. Make sure not to send to personal email

Be careful not to send salesy and cold-type of emails to personal accounts. This can be intrusive and it is clearly violating personal security as you’re acquiring unsolicited personal information for commercial purposes!

More educational resources for Seamless.ai