Ai Tools

Preselected and Tested Ai Tool Kit for Advertising

The Ark Bot Team has developed an efficient approach for entrepreneurs and small business owners with limited resources to excel in advertising. This method is supported by top-tier AI Tools for Advertising, enabling small teams or individual entrepreneurs to create impactful ads. Explore the comprehensive step-by-step guide for advertising, specially designed for the needs of entrepreneurs and small businesses.

5 Steps

The Full Advertising Process with Ai Tools for Entrepreneurs and Small Business in 5 steps


Identify who your target audience is, including their needs, preferences, and pain points, so that you can target them with the right content.

Founder Pal AI can generate your customer persona profile very quickly for FREE. Founder Pal Ai helps entrepreneurs and small business owners who are in an early stage, trying to figure out the market, with limited time and resources.

Learn more how you can use Founder Pal Ai to get a good pulse on who is on the other end of your marketing efforts:


AI PRM, a Chrome extension, provides a collection of carefully curated prompt templates tailored for various marketing domains including SEO, Marketing, Content Marketing, Copywriting, and Social Media. This tool is engineered to enhance productivity and efficiency in marketing tasks. 

Use Ai PRM to build Social Media Ad tactics using the available Budget. This tool generates the full strategy for EVERY social platform you want to advertise on. Additionally, you can generate Ad Copy for each specific Ad Tactic. 

Ai PRM is a very powerful Tool that can do the heavylifting for you; brainstorm ideas, generate content, hashtags, captions, image ideas, and more:


Ai PRM is FREE of charge. Stacked on GPT 3.5 – which is also free of charge – makes a great combo for those who have no marketing budget!

While Ai PRM can work with both GPT-3.5 Generative Ai and GPT-4, it is best to use GPT-4 as it will produce much better results.

Create attention-grabbing taglines for advertising campaigns. Especially for Google Ads (PPC Campaigns based on keywords). Ai PRM can build multiple instances of Ad Copy for the same keyword for A/B testing. It can also generate specific extension bits, headlines, descriptions, and more.

For Google Paid Search to be efficient, you will need many different Ad Copy samples to test and ensure you’re getting the highest conversion rate for your pages!


Zapier offers an advanced platform for automating business workflows by integrating different apps and services. It enables customized workflows, or Zaps, to automate specific tasks based on triggers and actions.

For advertising automation, Zapier connects marketing channels, email services, website analytics, lead generation campaigns, and spreadsheets. It allows businesses to manage Lead Flows from various advertising platforms efficiently, tracking user interactions and responses to each ad for a streamlined marketing approach.

By Connecting Google Adwords to Zapier, you can download spreadsheets automatically, and create flows for users coming from Google Ads.


Deep L is a translation tool developed by Google that uses deep learning to understand context and language specificities when generating translation outputs. Deep L is easily the most accurate translation tool on the market.

Whether you’re localizing a website, creating multilingual instructions, or training programs for international audiences, Deep L can help you achieve great results in making this content understandable to wider audiences.

Here is how Deep L works and how you, as an entrepreneur can leverage it: