Data Research
& Analysis

Preselected and Tested AI Toolkit for Data Research and Analysis

The Ark Bot Team has outlined a powerful strategy for entrepreneurs and small business owners with limited resources to excel in data research and analysis. This approach leverages top-tier AI Tools for data analysis, enabling small teams or individual entrepreneurs to conduct in-depth and effective research. Discover the detailed, step-by-step methodology specifically designed for entrepreneurs and small businesses to master data analysis and research techniques.

4 Steps

The Full Data Analysis Process with Ai Tools for Entrepreneurs and Small Business in 2 steps


GPT-3.5 can assist in performing exploratory data analysis (EDA) on a marketing dataset that contains information such as revenue, marketing sources, cost per lead, and other relevant metrics. Based on your dataset, GPT-3.5 can provide general advice on statistical methods (like correlation analysis, regression models, etc.), that will help you comprehend the distributions, relationships, and trends present in your data.

This is equally applicable for your finances. If you’re looking to do an extensive study of Profit/Loss, Chat GPT 3.5 can help you with the statistical methods that would work best wth your dataset.


Data Analyst GPT is an exciting tool in ChatGPT that assists you with data-related tasks. It’s like having a knowledgeable friend who can handle your data jobs for you. This tool allows you to upload files such as spreadsheets, code, or photos and have ChatGPT do something with them.

The boring statistics and long datasets are no longer a barrier! With this GPT bot you can be your own data expert and quickly analyze loads of data sheets to optimize decision making based on data. Here are a few tasks that Data Analyst GPT can help you with


Whimsical AI Diagrams offers a text-to-flowchart feature that allows the translation of ideas into user flows, process flows, mind maps, and sticky notes. These diagrams can be used for multiple purposes.

Build visual representations created through artificial intelligence technology to depict workflows, processes, or data flows.

Whimsical Ai will help you build great reports once you have analyzed your dataset.


Rows AI is a FREE transformative application within the Rows platform, that relies on artificial intelligence (AI) and existing business applications to process data and generate meaningful insights. Rows Ai uses the LLM built by Open Ai, that is, the GPT model.

Rows Ai can be used to target specific columns with a dataset. With it, you can extract trends, generate pivot tables, and identify patterns.

Rows Ai can also build bar charts whether from the full dataset or a subset with your spreadsheet.